make up situation that can be described in algebra with each expression for 5x, and for x-10, and also 2x+3

Let's say you have a situation where you want to describe the relationship between the number of apples you have and the amount of money spent on them. We can use algebraic expressions to represent this situation.

Expression 1: 5x
Let's say the price of each apple is represented by 'x'. If you buy 5 times the number of apples, you can express the total amount spent as the algebraic expression 5x.

Expression 2: x - 10
Now, let's say you had initially planned to buy 10 apples, but you changed your mind and bought 'x' apples instead. In this case, the expression x - 10 represents the difference between the number of apples you actually bought and your initial plan.

Expression 3: 2x + 3
Consider a scenario where there is a discount on buying apples, represented by the expression 2x. Let's say the discount amount is $3, then by adding 3 to 2x, we get the total amount spent on buying the apples after the discount is applied.

So, by using these three algebraic expressions, you can describe a situation related to the number of apples purchased and the amount of money spent on them.