• Create a five- to seven-point, bullet point list of the factors that led to political stalemate and the subsequent farmers’ revolt in the late 19th Century.

• Write a 100- to 150-word response addressing the relationship between the issues the political system dealt with in the Gilded Age and current American political issues. Are they similar or different? Why?

Multiple post. Please see the later post, which I saw first.


Factors that led to political stalemate and the subsequent farmers' revolt in the late 19th Century:

1. Economic inequality: The rapid industrialization and urbanization during the Gilded Age created a significant wealth gap between the wealthy industrialists and the struggling farmers.
2. High tariffs: The protective tariffs imposed during this period benefited the industrial sector but hurt the farmers' ability to export their goods.
3. Currency policy: The gold standard and restrictions on the availability of silver as legal tender disadvantaged farmers who were heavily indebted and relied on inflation to reduce their debts.
4. Railroads and monopolies: The consolidation of railroads and the rise of monopolies led to unfair pricing and discrimination against farmers in transportation rates and access to markets.
5. Lack of government intervention: The government's laissez-faire approach and reluctance to regulate businesses further exacerbated the farmers' economic hardships.
6. Political corruption: Widespread corruption in politics, marked by bribery and influence peddling, further eroded trust in the government.
7. Inadequate representation: The dominance of wealthy elites in politics marginalized the interests and concerns of rural farmers in policymaking.

The relationship between the issues faced during the Gilded Age and current American political issues can be both similar and different. Similarities lie in the persisting economic inequality, potential conflicts arising from trade policies, and the influence of special interests on politics. However, there are also differences such as a more developed regulatory framework and a stronger emphasis on individual rights and civil liberties in the present. Additionally, modern political issues may be shaped by new factors like technological advancements and environmental concerns. Overall, understanding the historical context helps shed light on how past challenges can inform our understanding of present-day issues.