How would you evaluate this n^(log(n lowered)3)?

I don't know how to make the n lower than the log.

What would the answer be?

To evaluate the expression n^(log(n^3)), we can break it down step by step.

First, let's rewrite n^(log(n^3)) using exponentiation properties. The logarithm of a value raised to a power is equal to the power multiplied by the logarithm of the value. Therefore, we have:

n^(log(n^3)) = n^(3*log(n))

Now, we can simplify further by considering the exponent, 3*log(n).

To evaluate the expression, it would depend on the specific value of n. However, we can still provide some general insights:

1. If n is a large number, the dominant factor that affects the growth of the expression is the value of the exponent 3*log(n). The logarithmic term, log(n), grows much slower than any power of n, so the expression would have a complexity closer to O(n^3).

2. If n is a small number, the growth of the expression would be influenced more by the base, n. In this case, the expression may have a smaller value compared to larger values of n.

Therefore, without knowing the specific value of n, it is challenging to determine the precise result. To evaluate it numerically, you would need to substitute a specific value for n and calculate the expression accordingly.