lola has a plant that grows best in temperatures between 20 and 30 degrees celsius.

A.write an iequality that represents the celsius temperatures "c" in which lolas plant grows best.

The equation below is used to convert temperatures from degrees celsisus "c" to degrees fahrenheit"f"

B.solve the equation "f" in terms of "c"
C. use your answer from part a and b to write an inequality that represents the fahrenheit temperature "f" in which lolas plant grows best.
D. graph your solution on a number line.

A. 20 ≤ best growth≤ 30

B. c = 5/9(f - 32)

Multiply both sides by 9/5, then add 32 to both sides to convert to f.

C. plug in the values for c to find f.

D. Can't do this online

A. To represent the Celsius temperatures in which Lola's plant grows best, we can write the inequality:

20 ≤ c ≤ 30

This represents that the temperature "c" is between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius, inclusive.

B. To solve the equation "f" in terms of "c," we need to isolate "f" in the given equation:

c = 5/9(f - 32)

First, let's multiply both sides of the equation by 9 to get rid of the fraction:

9c = 5(f - 32)

Next, distribute the 5 on the right side:

9c = 5f - 160

To isolate the variable "f," we need to get rid of the constant term (-160) on the right side. We can do this by adding 160 to both sides:

9c + 160 = 5f

Finally, to solve for "f," divide both sides by 5:

f = (9c + 160)/5

C. Now, using our answer from part A and B, we can write an inequality to represent the Fahrenheit temperature "f" in which Lola's plant grows best. We can substitute the limits from part A into the Fahrenheit equation:

(9c + 160)/5 ≥ f ≥ (9c + 160)/5

This represents that the temperature "f" is between (9c + 160)/5 and (9c + 160)/5 degrees Fahrenheit, inclusive.

D. To graph the solution on a number line, we need to convert the Fahrenheit values into an appropriate scale. Since the limits for Celsius are 20 and 30, we can substitute those values into the inequality to find the corresponding Fahrenheit limits:

f ≥ (9(20) + 160)/5
f ≥ 104

f ≤ (9(30) + 160)/5
f ≤ 122

On the number line, we would mark the range from 104 to 122 to represent the Fahrenheit temperatures in which Lola's plant grows best.