Why is the future of solar energy bright?

1. Every year, solar cells are becoming cheaper and better. Solar energy is also clean and it will never run out.

2. Because every year, solar cells are becoming cheaper and better, solar energy is also clean, and it will never run out.

3. Because every year solar cells are becoming cheaper and better, solar energy is also clean and it will never run out.

(Which one is a suitable answer to the question? Would you like to look at the sentences and punctuation marks? Which one is best and would you let me know better answers containing the same content?)

I think #1 is best. There is at least one punctuation error in #2, and most sentences that begin with "Because" are awkward (and sometimes incorrect).

All three options provided are suitable answers to the question "Why is the future of solar energy bright?" as they all highlight the key points. However, option 2 appears to be the best choice as it combines all the relevant information in a clear and concise manner. It specifies that solar cells are becoming cheaper and better every year, emphasizes that solar energy is clean, and highlights the fact that it will never run out.

To improve the answer and provide additional information, you could consider the following:

- The cost of solar cells has been declining rapidly in recent years due to advancements in technology and mass-production. This trend is expected to continue, making solar energy even more affordable and accessible in the future.
- Solar energy is a renewable energy source, which means it is derived from natural resources that replenish themselves over time. The sun will continue to shine for billions of years, making solar energy a sustainable option for the future.
- Harnessing solar energy helps reduce dependence on fossil fuels and decreases greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment.

By incorporating these points, you can provide a more comprehensive answer to why the future of solar energy is bright.