i can not seem to answer these questions in the proper format please help me

¿Qué estación sigue al invierno?
i put Después de el invierno viene la primavera.
¿En qué estación empiezan las clases?
i put En agosto va mucha gente a la playa.
¿En qué estación empiezan las clases?
i put En septiembre empiezan las clases

Note how the formation of the question also gives you most of the words in the answer.

1. La primavera es la estación que sigue al invierno.

(just another way to answer; your answer is fine EXCEPT that de + el = del

2. Las clases empiezan en el otoño. (septiembre)

You must have copied #3 twice?

3. Better word order = Las clases empiezan en septiembre. HOWEVER the question did not ask in which month, but in what season!


thank you so much!!! i realized my mistakes are mostly reading the question correctly...

It seems like you are having trouble answering the questions in the proper format. Don't worry, I'm here to help!

Let's go through each question and find the correct answers together:

1. ¿Qué estación sigue al invierno? (Which season follows winter?)
Your answer, "Después de el invierno viene la primavera" is correct. However, the proper format is to omit the article "el" before "invierno." So the correct answer would be "Después de invierno viene la primavera."

2. ¿En qué estación empiezan las clases? (In which season do classes start?)
Your answer, "En agosto va mucha gente a la playa" is not directly related to the question. The correct answer would be "En otoño empiezan las clases" (Classes start in autumn/fall).

3. ¿En qué estación empiezan las clases? (In which season do classes start?)
Your answer, "En septiembre empiezan las clases" is absolutely correct! Well done!

Remember, when answering questions, try to focus on providing accurate and concise responses that directly address the question being asked. If you are unsure, it's better to provide a precise response rather than unrelated information.