Is this sentence correct? She has never been missed her homework.


A better sentence would be:

She has always turned her homework in on time.

She has never been missed her homework.

What about:

She has never missed her homework.

No, the sentence you provided is not grammatically correct. The correct version should be: "She has never missed her homework."

To identify whether a sentence is correct or not, you can follow these steps:

1. Check subject-verb agreement: Ensure that the subject (in this case, "She") matches with the correct verb form ("missed").

2. Look for any misplaced or missing words: In the original sentence, the word "been" is unnecessary and creates a grammatical error.

3. Review the structure and word order: The correct word order is "subject" + "verb" + "object" - in this case, "She" (subject) + "missed" (verb) + "her homework" (object).

By checking for these elements, you can determine if a sentence is grammatically correct or if any revisions are needed.