what are examples of something that diffuses ?

what is something that contains amino acids?

Examples of something that diffuses include:

1. Perfume: When sprayed, the volatile components of perfume diffuse through the air, spreading the fragrance.

2. Sugar in coffee: When you add sugar to a cup of coffee and stir, the sugar molecules diffuse throughout the liquid, making the coffee sweet.

3. Ink in water: If you drop ink into a glass of water, the ink molecules will gradually disperse and spread throughout the water, creating a colored solution.

4. Gas molecules: Gases, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, easily diffuse through the air. For example, when you open a bottle of ammonia, the gas molecules diffuse into the surrounding air, creating a distinct smell.

Regarding your second question, something that contains amino acids can be various substances. Here are a few examples:

1. Proteins: Proteins are large biomolecules that are composed of chains of amino acids. They are essential for various biological processes in living organisms.

2. Food sources: Many food items contain amino acids. For instance, meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds are all sources of amino acids.

3. Supplements: Amino acid supplements are available in the form of powders, capsules, or liquids. These supplements are often used by athletes or individuals with specific dietary needs.

Remember, amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, so any substance that contains proteins will also contain amino acids.