Posted by manny on Tuesday, October 2, 2007 at 6:41pm.

what does "los famas" mean in spanish

i looked it up and i get fame for "fama" but it does not make sense in this particular context

"Cuando los famas salen de viaje..."

For Further Reading

spanish - SraJMcGin, Tuesday, October 2, 2007 at 7:33pm
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. You are right that it does not make sense. The word for fame is "la fama" and the gender is feminine. If it is capitalized, it would make sense referring to a family named Famas. Just in case there is something "new" out there, I went to the dictionary of the Real Academia Española and get the message "the word is not in the dictionary!" Perhaps there is a "typo" in your book?


spanish---PLEASE READ!!!! - manny, Tuesday, October 2, 2007 at 8:04pm
this is from

I. Viajes – Julio Cortázar

It can be found at the first website you get when you search "Viajes Julio Cortázar" on google.

¡Ajá! That clarifies it. He is using "nominalization with the definite article" so in this case "los famas" means "the famous ones" and "un fama" would be "a famous one."

See why it is SO important to see the CONTEXT or exactly how it is used!



de nada, Manny Es un placer.

To understand the meaning of "los famas" in Spanish, we need more context from the book "Viajes" by Julio Cortázar. However, based on the information you've provided, it seems that there may be a typo or an error in the text. The word "famas" is not found in the Spanish dictionary, and the word for fame is actually "fama" (feminine gender).

It's possible that "los famas" could be a misspelling or a creative use of language by the author. Without further context, it's difficult to determine the exact meaning. If you want to understand the sentence "Cuando los famas salen de viaje..." in its original context, I recommend reading the book directly or finding a reliable source that explains the meaning of the phrase within the story. Searching for articles or discussions about the book might also provide helpful insights.