I need this answer. Which trinomial is a perfect square trinomial? A.)X^2-4x+10 B.)x^2+6x+9 C.)x^22x-4

I need help with this answer. Hiw would i start off.Which trinomial is a perfect square trinomial? A.)X^2-4x+10 B.)x^2+6x+9 C.)x^22x-4

which one equals (x+3)^2? It is a perfect square because it is the same thing twice (x+3) (x+3).

oh okay thanks Jen

To determine which trinomial is a perfect square trinomial, we need to check if its factors can be arranged into two identical binomial factors.

Let's examine the given options:
A.) X^2 - 4x + 10
B.) x^2 + 6x + 9
C.) x^22x - 4

To check if option A is a perfect square trinomial, we need to find its factors:
X^2 - 4x + 10 = (x - ___)(x - ___)

However, we notice that it cannot be factored any further and its factors are not identical binomials. Hence, Option A is not a perfect square trinomial.

Now, let's check if option B is a perfect square trinomial:
x^2 + 6x + 9 = (x + ___)(x + ___)

We can see that it can be factored into (x + 3)(x + 3), which are identical binomial factors. Therefore, Option B is a perfect square trinomial.

Lastly, let's check the last option, C:
x^22x - 4 = x(x + ____) - 4

Option C cannot be directly identified as a perfect square trinomial since it is not written in the standard form of ax^2 + bx + c. Therefore, Option C is not a perfect square trinomial.

In conclusion, the perfect square trinomial is Option B, x^2 + 6x + 9.