Countries using

monarchy in the

This site lists the world's constitutional monarchies.

To find out which countries in the Caribbean use constitutional monarchy as their form of government, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search on the internet using a search engine such as Google.
2. Enter the search query "Caribbean countries with constitutional monarchy" or a similar phrase of your choice.
3. Look for reputable and reliable sources, such as government websites or official sources, to gather accurate information.
4. The search results should provide you with a list of Caribbean countries that follow a constitutional monarchy system.
5. Some possible examples of countries in the Caribbean that have constitutional monarchies are:

a) Jamaica: Jamaica is a constitutional monarchy, which means it has a monarch as the head of state, currently Queen Elizabeth II, who is represented by a Governor-General.
b) The Bahamas: The Bahamas also operates under a constitutional monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II as the head of state, represented by a Governor-General.

Please note that political systems can evolve over time, so it is always a good idea to verify the current political structure of a country by referring to up-to-date and reliable sources.