for a list of numbers entered by the user and terminated by 0, find the sum of the positive numbers and the negative numbers

To find the sum of the positive and negative numbers from a list entered by the user, you can follow these steps:

1. Initialize two variables, let's say "positive_sum" and "negative_sum," to keep track of the sum of positive numbers and negative numbers, respectively.

2. Start a loop to read the numbers entered by the user until the user enters 0, using the input function in most programming languages.

3. Inside the loop, check if the number is positive or negative.

- If the number is positive (greater than 0), add it to the "positive_sum" variable.
- If the number is negative (less than 0), add it to the "negative_sum" variable.

4. Continue the loop until the user enters 0 to terminate the input.

5. After the loop ends, you will have the sum of positive numbers in the "positive_sum" variable, and the sum of negative numbers in the "negative_sum" variable. You can then print or display these values as needed.

Here's a sample code snippet in Python to implement the above steps:

positive_sum = 0 # Initialize the sum of positive numbers
negative_sum = 0 # Initialize the sum of negative numbers

while True:
num = int(input("Enter a number (enter 0 to terminate input): "))

if num == 0:
break # Terminate loop when 0 is entered

if num > 0:
positive_sum += num # Add positive numbers to positive_sum
negative_sum += num # Add negative numbers to negative_sum

print("Sum of positive numbers:", positive_sum)
print("Sum of negative numbers:", negative_sum)

You can run this code and enter the list of numbers when prompted. The program will calculate and display the sum of positive numbers and the sum of negative numbers entered by the user.