Generate an object-oriented design for a system that keeps tracks of your CD and DVD collection.

· Identify each of the classes, associated data, and operations for the classes.

· Generate the pseudocode for each of the classes as demonstrated on p. 251.

· Draw a GUI that will create the objects and provide access to each object’s processing methods. Note. Use the drawing tool in Microsoft® Word or in any other applicable drawing tool to complete this part of the assignment.

To generate an object-oriented design for a system that tracks CD and DVD collections, we would need to identify the classes, associated data, and operations for each class.

Here is an example of how this could be done:

1. Class: Collection
- Data:
- cdCollection: array of CD objects
- dvdCollection: array of DVD objects
- collectionSize: integer
- Operations:
- addCD(cd: CD): void
- removeCD(cd: CD): void
- addDVD(dvd: DVD): void
- removeDVD(dvd: DVD): void
- displayCollection(): void

2. Class: CD
- Data:
- title: string
- artist: string
- duration: float
- Operations:
- setTitle(title: string): void
- setArtist(artist: string): void
- setDuration(duration: float): void
- getTitle(): string
- getArtist(): string
- getDuration(): float

3. Class: DVD
- Data:
- title: string
- director: string
- duration: float
- Operations:
- setTitle(title: string): void
- setDirector(director: string): void
- setDuration(duration: float): void
- getTitle(): string
- getDirector(): string
- getDuration(): float

Below is an example of pseudocode for these classes:

Class Collection
Method addCD(cd)
collectionSize = cdCollection.size() + dvdCollection.size()
End Method

Method removeCD(cd)
collectionSize = cdCollection.size() + dvdCollection.size()
End Method

Method addDVD(dvd)
collectionSize = cdCollection.size() + dvdCollection.size()
End Method

Method removeDVD(dvd)
collectionSize = cdCollection.size() + dvdCollection.size()
End Method

Method displayCollection()
For each cd in cdCollection
Print("CD: " + cd.getTitle() + " by " + cd.getArtist() + " (" + cd.getDuration() + " minutes)")
End For
For each dvd in dvdCollection
Print("DVD: " + dvd.getTitle() + " directed by " + dvd.getDirector() + " (" + dvd.getDuration() + " minutes)")
End For
End Method
End Class

Class CD
Method setTitle(title)
this.title = title
End Method

Method setArtist(artist)
this.artist = artist
End Method

Method setDuration(duration)
this.duration = duration
End Method

Method getTitle()
return this.title
End Method

Method getArtist()
return this.artist
End Method

Method getDuration()
return this.duration
End Method
End Class

Class DVD
Method setTitle(title)
this.title = title
End Method

Method setDirector(director)
this.director = director
End Method

Method setDuration(duration)
this.duration = duration
End Method

Method getTitle()
return this.title
End Method

Method getDirector()
return this.director
End Method

Method getDuration()
return this.duration
End Method
End Class

For the GUI, you can use any drawing tool to create a user interface that allows you to create objects (CDs and DVDs) and access their processing methods (such as adding/removing CDs/DVDs and displaying the collection). Use your preferred drawing tool to design the GUI layout that suits your needs.