(6x3 – 12x + 10) ÷ (3x – 3)

To divide the expression (6x^3 - 12x + 10) by (3x - 3), we can use polynomial long division. Long division is a method used to divide polynomials term by term.

Step 1: Arrange the expression in descending order.

The expression (6x^3 - 12x + 10) by (3x - 3) can be written as:
6x^3 - 12x + 10
3x - 3

Step 2: Divide the first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor.

In this case, the first term of the dividend is 6x^3 and the first term of the divisor is 3x. So, 6x^3 divided by 3x is 2x^2. Write this as the first term of the quotient above the line.

3x - 3 | 6x^3 - 12x + 10

Step 3: Multiply the divisor by the quotient term and write it below the dividend.

Multiply (3x - 3) by 2x^2, which gives you 6x^3 - 6x^2.

3x - 3 | 6x^3 - 12x + 10
- (6x^3 - 6x^2)

Step 4: Subtract the product from the dividend.

Subtract (6x^3 - 6x^2) from (6x^3 - 12x + 10), which gives you -6x^2 - 12x + 10.

3x - 3 | 6x^3 - 12x + 10
- (6x^3 - 6x^2)
- 6x^2 - 12x + 10

Step 5: Bring down the next term.

Bring down the next term, which is -6x^2.

2x^2 - 2
3x - 3 | 6x^3 - 12x + 10
- (6x^3 - 6x^2)
- 6x^2 - 12x + 10
- ( - 6x^2 + 6x)

Step 6: Divide the new term by the divisor.

In this case, -6x^2 divided by 3x is -2x. Write this as the next term of the quotient.

2x^2 - 2x
3x - 3 | 6x^3 - 12x + 10
- (6x^3 - 6x^2)
- 6x^2 - 12x + 10
- ( - 6x^2 + 6x)
- 18x + 10

Step 7: Multiply the divisor by the new quotient term and write it below.

Multiply (3x - 3) by -2x, which gives you -6x^2 + 6x.

2x^2 - 2x
3x - 3 | 6x^3 - 12x + 10
- (6x^3 - 6x^2)
- 6x^2 - 12x + 10
- ( - 6x^2 + 6x)
- 18x + 10
+ ( - 18x + 18)

Step 8: Subtract the product from the previous result.

Subtract (-6x^2 + 6x) from (-18x + 10), which gives you -24x + 10.

2x^2 - 2x - 6
3x - 3 | 6x^3 - 12x + 10
- (6x^3 - 6x^2)
- 6x^2 - 12x + 10
- ( - 6x^2 + 6x)
- 18x + 10
+ ( - 18x + 18)
- 24x + 28

Step 9: The division is complete.

The final result of dividing (6x^3 - 12x + 10) by (3x - 3) is the quotient 2x^2 - 2x - 6 with a remainder of -24x + 28.

Therefore, the division is written as:
(6x^3 - 12x + 10) ÷ (3x - 3) = 2x^2 - 2x - 6 + (-24x + 28) / (3x - 3)