please help! i know exactly how to find the mean but i am having a problem finding the midpoints. couldn't get them right :(

salary employees
5,001- 10,000 == 16
10,001-15,000 == 15
15001-20,000 == 11
20,001-25,000 == 15
25,001-30,000 == 23

If you want the mean salary, you can only get an approximate value since you only have histogram data (the number per salary interval). Assume that the number 16 applies to a salary at the midpioit of the first interval ($7500), etc.

The mean will be
(16*7500 + 15*12500 + 11*(17,500) + 15*22500 + 23*27,500)/(16+15+11+15+23) = $18,375

thanks a bunch!! =D

To find the midpoints for each salary range, you need to calculate the average of the lower and upper limits of each range. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Take the lower limit and upper limit of each salary range. For example, for the first range, the lower limit is $5,001 and the upper limit is $10,000.

2. Add the lower and upper limits together. In this example, $5,001 + $10,000 = $15,001.

3. Divide the sum by 2 to find the midpoint. In this example, $15,001 / 2 = $7,500.5.

4. Repeat this process for each salary range to find the midpoints.

Applying this method to the given salary ranges:
- For the range 5,001-10,000, the midpoint is ($5,001 + $10,000) / 2 = $7,500.5.
- For the range 10,001-15,000, the midpoint is ($10,001 + $15,000) / 2 = $12,500.5.
- For the range 15,001-20,000, the midpoint is ($15,001 + $20,000) / 2 = $17,500.5.
- For the range 20,001-25,000, the midpoint is ($20,001 + $25,000) / 2 = $22,500.5.
- For the range 25,001-30,000, the midpoint is ($25,001 + $30,000) / 2 = $27,500.5.

Note that the ".5" is used because we are dealing with salary ranges, and the exact midpoint may not fall on a whole number.

By following these steps, you will be able to find the correct midpoints for each of the given salary ranges.