I am looking for a website or two so that I can help my daughter with her accounting homework. Usually my husband helps her, but he was just deployed to Iraq a few days ago. Can you help me locate some websites? I found a few, but I am not willing to pay for them.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you find some free websites to assist your daughter with her accounting homework. Here are a couple of online resources that offer free accounting help:

1. Khan Academy (www.khanacademy.org): Khan Academy is a popular online learning platform that offers free courses and video tutorials on various subjects, including accounting. Their accounting section covers topics such as financial statements, debits and credits, and accounting cycles. It provides clear explanations and practice exercises to help students understand the concepts.

2. AccountingCoach (www.accountingcoach.com): AccountingCoach offers free tutorials and resources for learning accounting. They provide a comprehensive set of educational materials including video lessons, quizzes, flashcards, and articles. While some additional features require a subscription, there is still a wealth of free content available for learners.

3. Learn Accounting for Free (www.learn-accounting-for-free.com): This website offers free accounting lessons, tutorials, and practice exercises. It covers topics such as bookkeeping, financial statements, and analyzing transactions. The lessons are designed to be easy to understand and provide step-by-step explanations.

4. Investopedia (www.investopedia.com): While primarily known as a finance and investment resource, Investopedia also includes a section on accounting. It offers comprehensive guides, articles, and resources that cover a wide range of accounting topics. You can search for specific topics or browse through their accounting guide to find the information you need.

Remember to encourage your daughter to actively engage with the material by taking notes, practicing with sample problems, and seeking clarification on any challenging topics. These online resources should provide a solid foundation for her accounting studies.