I need to research on this sentence: Canadians are providing aid in the area of education. But I can't find a good website for this sentence. I've also tried typing this sentence on google but it's not giving me a good site. Please help me find a good site for this qustion.Thanks!

Try these:




If you need help learning how to search, including how to choose good search terms, go here and scroll down to the links under HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET:

To find information about Canadians providing aid in the area of education, you can try the following steps:

1. Use different search terms: Instead of searching the exact sentence, try using variations of the keywords. For example, you can search for "Canada education aid" or "Canadians supporting education."

2. Utilize advanced search options: On Google, you can use the advanced search settings to narrow down your results. You can access this by clicking on "Settings" > "Advanced Search." Here, you can set specific filters like language, region, or domain to get more relevant results.

3. Check trusted sources: Look for reputable websites and organizations that focus on education or Canadian programs. Government websites, international aid organizations, or educational institutes often provide reliable information and reports on aid initiatives. For example, you can try exploring websites like the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) or Canadian government websites related to education initiatives.

4. Search academic databases or journals: If you need scholarly sources, consider using academic databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or databases provided by educational institutions. These platforms often contain peer-reviewed research articles and reports that can provide in-depth information on the topic.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find and verify the credibility of the sources you come across.