

check this for me thank for your help.



What do You think its been minute since I took algebra

These are both wrong. Ashley, please re-write your question. The way you have it doesn't make sense. Is it supposed to be x^2+2x-35?

To check if these expressions are equivalent, we can simplify and compare them.

1. x^2x - 35:
This expression doesn't follow the typical mathematical notation. Let's assume you meant x^(2x) - 35.

2. x(2x - 35):
Here, we distribute the x through the parentheses:
x * 2x - x * 35 = 2x^2 - 35x

3. x(x - 35):
Here, we multiply the terms inside the parentheses:
x * x - x * 35 = x^2 - 35x

Comparing the results from the simplified expressions:
Expression 1: x^(2x) - 35
Expression 2: 2x^2 - 35x
Expression 3: x^2 - 35x

Expression 1 cannot be compared with the others without proper clarification. However, Expressions 2 and 3 are equivalent.

Please double-check the first expression for any errors or provide more context if you intended something different.