Tarzan stands on a branch, petrified with fear as a leopard approaches. Fortunately, Jane is on a branch of the same height in a nearby tree, holding a 25m long vine of negligible mass attached directly above the point midway between her and Tarzan. Jane grasps the vine and steps off her branch with negligible initial velocity. How soon does she reach Tarzan? Find an expression for the maximum tension in the vine in terms of Jane’s weight mg and the maximum angle the vine makes with the vertical.

how soon does she reach tarzan


the rest i'm still working on

would the equation to sovle for the maximum tension be:

T=mg + Fc = mg + m*v^2/R ?????

does anyone have the expression for the maximum angle?

To find how soon Jane reaches Tarzan, we can use the principle of conservation of mechanical energy.

First, let's analyze the system.

The total mechanical energy of the system includes the potential energy and the kinetic energy.

At the starting point, Jane is at the same height as Tarzan, and therefore both Tarzan and Jane have gravitational potential energy.

The initial potential energy of Tarzan is m_T * g * h, where m_T is Tarzan's mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of Tarzan above the ground.

The initial potential energy of Jane is m_J * g * h, where m_J is Jane's mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of Jane above the ground.

Since Jane steps off her branch with negligible initial velocity, her initial kinetic energy is zero.

As Jane swings across, there is a transfer of potential energy to kinetic energy. At the lowest point of her swing (when she is nearest to Tarzan), all the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

At this point, her potential energy is zero, and her kinetic energy is (1/2) * m_J * v^2, where v is Jane's velocity when she reaches Tarzan.

Using the principle of conservation of mechanical energy, we can write:

m_T * g * h + m_J * g * h = (1/2) * m_J * v^2

Now we can solve this equation for v:

2 * (m_T + m_J) * g * h = m_J * v^2

v^2 = 2 * (m_T + m_J) * g * h / m_J

v^2 = 2 * (m_T + m_J) * g * h / m_J

v = sqrt(2 * (m_T + m_J) * g * h / m_J)

Therefore, Jane reaches Tarzan with a velocity of sqrt(2 * (m_T + m_J) * g * h / m_J).

Now let's find the expression for the maximum tension in the vine in terms of Jane's weight (mg) and the maximum angle the vine makes with the vertical (θ).

The tension in the vine can be decomposed into two components: the vertical component (T_v) and the horizontal component (T_h).

The vertical component (T_v) counteracts the weight of Jane and can be given by T_v = mg.

The horizontal component (T_h) provides the centripetal force necessary for Jane's circular motion and can be given by T_h = m_J * v^2 / R, where R is the radius of the circular path.

Since Jane swings in a vertical plane, R is just the length of the vine (25m).

So, T_h = m_J * v^2 / R = m_J * (2 * (m_T + m_J) * g * h / m_J) ^2 / 25.

Simplifying the expression:

T_h = 4 * (m_T + m_J) * g * h^2 / 625.

Therefore, the expression for the maximum tension in the vine in terms of Jane's weight (mg) and the maximum angle the vine makes with the vertical (θ) is:

T = sqrt(T_v^2 + T_h^2) = sqrt((mg)^2 + (4 * (m_T + m_J) * g * h^2 / 625)^2).

To determine how soon Jane will reach Tarzan, we can use the principles of conservation of mechanical energy. Initially, Jane is at rest and has gravitational potential energy. As she swings towards Tarzan, her potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. At the point of closest approach to Tarzan, all the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

To find the time it takes for Jane to reach Tarzan, we need to calculate the time it takes for the potential energy to fully convert into kinetic energy. Here are the steps to find the time:

1. Identify the relevant quantities:
- Length of the vine (L): 25 m
- Acceleration due to gravity (g): approximately 9.8 m/s^2
- Distance between Jane and Tarzan (d): this distance will depend on the position of both of them on their respective branches.

2. Calculate the potential energy at the initial position:
- The potential energy is given by the formula: PE = mgh, where m is Jane's mass and h is the height of the branch from the ground.
- Since the question doesn't provide Jane's mass or the height, we'll need additional information to calculate this.

3. Calculate the kinetic energy at the point of closest approach:
- When Jane reaches the point of closest approach to Tarzan, all the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.
- The kinetic energy is given by the formula: KE = (1/2)mv^2, where m is Jane's mass and v is her velocity.
- At this point, let's assume Jane's velocity is v.

4. Equate the potential energy and kinetic energy:
- At the point of closest approach, we can equate the potential energy to the kinetic energy: mgh = (1/2)mv^2.
- Solve this equation for v.

5. Use kinematic equations to find the time:
- The equation that relates distance, initial velocity, time, and acceleration is: d = v0t + (1/2)at^2.
- By substituting the known values (distance, initial velocity, and acceleration), solve for time (t).

Regarding the expression for the maximum tension in the vine, we need to consider several factors. The maximum tension occurs at the point when the vine is at its maximum angle with the vertical. The tension force can be broken down into two components: the vertical component and the horizontal component. The vertical component is equal to Jane's weight, mg. The horizontal component is equal to the maximum tension multiplied by the sine of the maximum angle. Therefore, the expression for the maximum tension (Tmax) in terms of Jane's weight (mg) and the maximum angle (θ) is:

Tmax = mg / sin(θ)

Note that the angle θ will depend on the position of Tarzan and Jane on their respective branches.