For the book, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee does the Radley place have curtains or shutters?

Found it : "we thought we saw an inside of a shutter move. Flick - and the house was still."-from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

To find the answer to your question about the Radley place in the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, you have a few options:

1. Read the book: The most direct way to answer this question is by reading the book yourself. By examining the text, you can search for descriptions or passages that mention whether the Radley place has curtains or shutters. Look for specific details provided by the author about the appearance of the house.

2. Analyze book summaries or study guides: If you don't have access to the book or prefer a quicker answer, you can search for reliable book summaries or study guides online. These resources often contain detailed information about the plot, characters, and settings, including specific descriptions of the Radley place.

3. Discuss with others: Engaging in conversations with fellow readers or joining book clubs allows you to share your question and gather insights from different perspectives. Other readers might have a clear recollection of the details about the Radley place from their own reading experience.

Remember that the Radley place is a central element in "To Kill a Mockingbird," so the answer to your question should be available through one or more of these approaches.