Once again, I have most answered. Want to double check those and I have a few that I need help on.

1)What is active listening?
A)interrupting the speaker with questions?
B)listening attenintively and asking clarifying questions? MY ANSWER
C)listening closely and asking yourself questions
D)repeating to yourself what a speaker has said

2)Which of the following is an example of effective communication?
A)having your tone match your body language? MY ANSWER
B)having your rate match your pitch
C)having your wuality of voice match your diction
D)having your body language match your accent

3)According to the SMCR model,problems in communication can arise when the speaker fails to do what?
A)maintain eye contact with the receiver
B)speak on the level of the receiver
C)have outside interests MY ANSWER
D)have a neat appearence

4)According to the Jo-Hari window model, what are hidden messages?
A)something that the sender knows and communicates to the receiver
B)something that the sender knows but doesn't communicate to the receiver
C)something that the sender hints to the receiver so he or she can guess MY ANSWER
D)something that neither sender nor the receiver knows

5)Suppose your're working on a display for Thanksgiving. The drawings,construction paper, and labels you use to make up the display are examples of what?
A)Encoding MY ANSWER

6)When you're around children, it's important that your body language conveys
A)the same message as your words MY ANSWER
B)a positive message regarless of your words
C)no emotion whatsoever
D)a relaxed,carefree image

7)Which of the following is a tactful responce to give when a student misbehaves?
A)I don't like it when you do that MY ANSWER
B)Now look what you've done
C)stop being bad
D)Sometimes you're terrible

8)According to the Jo-Hari window model, what are blind spots?
A)something that the sender knows and communicates to the receiver
B)something that the sender knows but doesn't communicate to the receiver MY ANSWER
C)something that the sender doesn't know but the receiver does
D)something that neither the sender nor the receiver knows

9)which of the following is an example of good organizational skills?
A)ask your teacher to prioritize his or her list of things for you to do
B)start and complete a task as soon as you think of it
C)know ahead of time what the teacher expects of you MY ANSWER
D)do the easy tasks first, and then the harder ones

10)How can a teacher aide become a vital part of the instructional team?
A)he or she must take over the responsibilities of the teacher
B)he or she must have the prganization skills and teamwork ability MY ANSWER
C)he or she must be able to speak a second language
D)he or she must be objective and not communicate thoughts and feelings

11)According to the SMCR model, problems in communication can arise when there is
A)a difference in the attitudes of the sender and the receiver
B)a large distance between the sender and the receiver
C)a written message instead of a verbal one
D)no use of body language by the sender

12)Quality of voice refers to
A)being honest about your feelings
B)being diplomatic
C)the pitch,rate,tome,and volume of a person's voice MY ANSWER
D)whether or not a person's voice sounds professional

13)What's one way to go about priortizing your duties if a teacher doesn't do so for you?
A)do the easiest job first
B)check the schedule and do the jobs as they relate to the schedule MY ANSWER
C)do the job you like best first
D)do the jobs in the same order the teacher has listed

14)According to the Jo-Hari window, what is the information we choose to reveal to the receiver?
B)shared information
C)open communication MY ANSWER
D)Common knowledge

15)Which of the following actions represent professional behavior on the part of a teachers aide?
A)the aide discusses what he has learned from his students about their families with other teacher aides
B)the aide discusses her problems regarding the assigned teacher with another aide
C)the aide keeps confidential whatever happens in the classroom MY ANSWER
D)the aide has a problem reguarding his assigned teacher,but refuses to talk to the teacher about it.

16)Enforcing classroom rules fairly and consistently is an example of what personal skill?
A)speaking clearly
B)good judgement
D)interest in children

17)What type of message should always be written down?
A)a personal one
B)one that includes names,times,and telephone numbers MY ANSWER
C)a negative message
D)if your memory is sharp enough, you won't have to write any messages down

18)The SMCR model suggests that problems in communication can arise when a sender and a receiver have different
B)body language
C)delivery styles
D)organizational skills

19)Which of the following is considered a good speaking skill?
A)using the most sophisticated vocabulary you have when dealing with students
B)using slang expressions with parents and teachers
C)speaking clearly and using good diction MY ANSWER
D)being honest, even if it means being rude or blunt

20)A conflict arises between two kindergarten children while the teacher is busy in another area. Out of frustration, one child hits the other. What do you do?
A)ignore them so they will learn to resolve the problem on their own
B)encourage the other to hit back so he or she won't do it again
C)send them to the hallway so other children don't see them fight
D)address the behavior because it's unacceptable MY ANSWER

Only ones I didn't have an answer to was 11,16,18

I'm not sure of some of the answers.

However, you have answered these correctly: 1, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20.

The best answer for 16 is B.

I'm thinking 3 is A.

According to the SMCR model, problems in communication can arise when the speaker fails to do what?

Oh but Ms. Sue with tell you if your answers are right? That's just bull.

1) What is active listening?

Active listening is the practice of fully engaging with a speaker during a conversation, ensuring clear understanding and effective communication. It involves listening attentively and asking clarifying questions to ensure comprehension.

2) Which of the following is an example of effective communication?
Effective communication involves various components, such as tone, body language, rate, pitch, quality of voice, and diction. In this case, having your tone match your body language would be an example of effective communication. It indicates consistency and congruence between verbal and nonverbal cues, enhancing the overall impact of the message.

3) According to the SMCR model, problems in communication can arise when the speaker fails to do what?
The SMCR model stands for Source, Message, Channel, and Receiver. In this model, communication problems can arise when the speaker fails to speak on the level of the receiver. It means not tailoring the message to match the receiver's understanding or failing to use language and examples that are appropriate for the target audience.

11) According to the SMCR model, problems in communication can arise when there is______?
In the case of question 11, problems in communication can arise when there is a difference in the attitudes of the sender and the receiver. Differing attitudes can create a mismatch in how messages are interpreted or received, leading to misunderstandings or breakdowns in communication.

16) Enforcing classroom rules fairly and consistently is an example of what personal skill?
Enforcing classroom rules fairly and consistently is an example of good judgment. It requires the ability to assess situations objectively, make informed decisions, and apply rules consistently to ensure a fair and conducive learning environment.

18) The SMCR model suggests that problems in communication can arise when a sender and a receiver have different______?
The SMCR model suggests that problems in communication can arise when a sender and a receiver have different cultures. Cultural differences can affect communication styles, language use, nonverbal cues, and expectations, leading to misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

I hope this helps clarify your answers! Let me know if you have any further questions.