In the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, does the back windows of the Radley's place have shutters or curtains?

Another question: In the book on page 71 it says that Jem opened the gate, ran through collards. Did they run through the collards to the wire fence or did they turn around and run to the wire fence near the school yard?

If they ran "through" collards, then they ran through the plants.

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To find the answers to your questions about To Kill a Mockingbird, you can use a variety of methods. Here's how:

1. Reading the Book: To determine whether the back windows of the Radley's place have shutters or curtains in To Kill a Mockingbird, you can read the relevant sections of the book. Look for descriptions or dialogue that might mention the appearance of the windows.

2. Online Research: If you don't have access to the book or need a quicker answer, you can conduct online research. Look for reliable sources such as literary analysis websites, SparkNotes, or book reviews. These resources often provide detailed information about specific aspects of the book, including characters, settings, and descriptions.

For the second question about Jem running through collards and the wire fence, you can follow similar steps:

1. Read the Book: Locate the mentioned page (page 71) in your copy of To Kill a Mockingbird and read the passage surrounding Jem opening the gate and running through collards. Look for any indications of the direction Jem took afterward.

2. Note-Taking: As you read, take notes or underline key phrases that provide clues about Jem's movements. This will help you remember and make connections.

By combining these approaches, you should be able to find the answers to your specific questions about To Kill a Mockingbird.