43. For every real number x, y, and z, the statement (x-y)z = xz - yz is ________ true

a. always
b. sometimes
c. never
No idea..

45. True or False: All equations give only one number as an output for every input number.

46. In which quadrant or on which axis would you find the point (3,4)?
a. x-axis
b. quadrant 1
c. quadrant 11
d. quadrant 111

59. In which quadrant or on which axis would you find the point(-2, -1)?


always, false, the last two you need to review the standard quadrants, you need to be able to wake up in the middle of the night and visualize those...before you get to trig functions.

43. The statement (x-y)z = xz - yz is always true for every real number x, y, and z. (Answer: a. always)

45. False. All equations do not give only one number as an output for every input number. Some equations may have multiple solutions or even no solutions at all.

46. The point (3,4) would be located in quadrant 1. (Answer: b. quadrant 1)

59. The point (-2, -1) would be located in quadrant 3.

43. To determine the truth value of the statement (x-y)z = xz - yz, we can use algebraic reasoning. We'll start by expanding both sides of the equation:

Left side: (x-y)z = xz - yz

Right side: xz - yz

By comparing the left and right sides of the equation, we can see that they are equal to each other. Thus, the statement (x-y)z = xz - yz is always true for every real number x, y, and z. Therefore, the answer is option a. always.

45. The statement "All equations give only one number as an output for every input number" is false. There are equations that can have multiple solutions or no solutions at all. For example, consider the equation x^2 = 4. This equation has two solutions: x = 2 and x = -2. Therefore, the answer is false.

46. To determine the quadrant or axis where the point (3,4) is located, we can use the Cartesian coordinate system. The point (3,4) has positive x and y coordinates, indicating that it is located in the first quadrant. Therefore, the answer is option b. quadrant 1.

59. Similarly, to determine the quadrant or axis where the point (-2, -1) is located, we can use the Cartesian coordinate system. The point (-2, -1) has negative x and y coordinates. It is situated in the third quadrant, which is below the x-axis and to the left of the y-axis. Therefore, the answer is option d. quadrant III.