does anyone know the story called " What ought a man to do on earth" It is from penn foster. Can I find it on the Internet if so where

I couldn't find this story or poem on the internet. Isn't it in your Penn Foster materials?

yes but the cd will not work. do u know anyone that has a copy

Contact Penn Foster.

I will have to pay for it again i was hoping someone had it that did not need it

To find the story "What ought a man to do on earth," you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for the title of the story on a search engine like Google. Use quotation marks around the title to get more accurate results. For example, search for "What ought a man to do on earth" Penn Foster.

2. Check the Penn Foster website or any official Penn Foster literature that you may have access to. They might provide resources or a specific source for the story.

3. If you are unable to locate the story through the previous steps, it's possible that it might not be freely available on the internet. In such cases, you may need to contact your instructor, the Penn Foster support team, or consult your course materials for further guidance.

Remember, some resources may be exclusive to Penn Foster students, so it's important to utilize the materials and platforms provided by the institution.