i just want to know if my answeres are correct!

A.The problem = the main issue or subject being in vestigated in the study

B.a method=a procedure, process, or approach used to investigate the problem

C.a finding=a proven result obtained as a part of the investigation

D.an assumption=a supporting idea, belif, or theory for which no proof is provided in the study

E.irrelevant information=material that does not directly help to provide an understanding of the problem.

1) A variety of drugs were used in the test. this statement would be classified as?

1)the problem
2)a method
3)a finding
4)an assumption
5)irrelevant information

i put 1

2)Left-handed people demonstrated greater brain activity than right-handed people when under the influence of drugs.

1)the problem
2)a method
3)a finding
4)an assumption
5)irrelevant information

i put 3

3)after drugs were administered the brain activity of each person was recorded.

1)the problem
2)a method
3)a finding
4)an assumption
5)irrelevant information

i put 2

4)The right and left hemispheres of the brain are connected by nerves.

1)the problem
2)a method
3)a finding
4)an assumption
5)irrelevant information

i put 4

I disagree with your answers for 1 and 4.

I would have chosen method for 1.

thank you

Let's go over each question and determine if your answers are correct:

1) A variety of drugs were used in the test. This statement would be classified as:
Possible answers:
1) the problem
2) a method
3) a finding
4) an assumption
5) irrelevant information

Your answer: 1

Your answer is incorrect. The statement provided does not represent the main issue or subject being investigated in the study (the problem). It also does not describe a procedure or approach used to investigate the problem (a method), a proven result from the investigation (a finding), an unsupported idea or belief (an assumption), or material that does not directly help to provide an understanding of the problem (irrelevant information).

The correct answer is: 5) irrelevant information

2) Left-handed people demonstrated greater brain activity than right-handed people when under the influence of drugs.
Possible answers:
1) the problem
2) a method
3) a finding
4) an assumption
5) irrelevant information

Your answer: 3

Your answer is correct. The statement presents a proven result obtained as a part of the investigation (a finding). It suggests that left-handed people have greater brain activity compared to right-handed people when influenced by drugs.

3) After drugs were administered, the brain activity of each person was recorded.
Possible answers:
1) the problem
2) a method
3) a finding
4) an assumption
5) irrelevant information

Your answer: 2

Your answer is correct. The statement describes the procedure or approach used to investigate the problem (a method). It states that after drugs were administered, the brain activity of each person was recorded.

4) The right and left hemispheres of the brain are connected by nerves.
Possible answers:
1) the problem
2) a method
3) a finding
4) an assumption
5) irrelevant information

Your answer: 4

Your answer is incorrect. The statement presents a factual statement about the brain's anatomy, which is supported by evidence. It is not an unsupported idea or belief (an assumption).

The correct answer is: 5) irrelevant information

Therefore, out of the four questions, you answered two correctly.