the most fundamental principle behind learning is that children do what

What are your choices?

her choices would be

construct knowledge
Learn through play
learn when their physical needs are satisfied
learn through social interaction

learn to play

c is the right answer. learn when their physical needs are satisfied

The most fundamental principle behind learning is that children do what is called "active learning." This means that children learn through their own experiences and interactions with the world around them. They actively engage with their environment, explore, experiment, and make discoveries.

To better understand this principle, let's dive into how children learn through active learning:

1. Exploration: Children have an inherent curiosity and natural desire to explore their surroundings. They use their senses to observe and interact with objects, people, and the environment. By exploring, they gather information and make sense of the world.

2. Experimentation: Children learn by experimenting and trying things out. They manipulate objects, test ideas, and make connections between cause and effect. Through trial and error, they learn what works and what doesn't, fostering problem-solving skills and critical thinking.

3. Hands-on experiences: Active learning involves hands-on experiences, where children actively manipulate objects, engage in physical activities, and participate in real-world situations. These experiences allow them to build a deep understanding by directly interacting and experiencing concepts and ideas.

4. Social interaction: Learning is also facilitated through social interaction. Children learn from others, engage in conversations, share ideas, and collaborate. Social interaction enhances their cognitive abilities, language skills, and emotional development.

5. Internalization: Through active learning, children internalize and construct their own knowledge and understanding of the world. They develop schemas, mental models, and concepts based on their experiences. This internalization helps them make connections, generalize information, and build a foundation for future learning.

As a result, the most effective learning for children occurs when they are actively engaged, motivated, and encouraged to explore their environment, experiment, and inquire. Parents, caregivers, and educators play a crucial role in providing a supportive and stimulating learning environment that fosters active learning. By offering opportunities for exploration, hands-on experiences, and social interaction, they can facilitate children's natural curiosity and help them become lifelong learners.