Mrs Allen spends 3/5 of her money at the grocery store. Next she spends 3/5 of her remaining money at the petrol station. She then has $8.00 left.

I know the answer is$50 but i don't know how to explain it!!!

You could start by stating the question. Do you want to know how much money she started with? If so, call that amount X. Then do the algebra.

(2/5)X * (2/5) = (4/25) X = 8

X = 200/4 = 50


you start like this

dabon james

yoby myan
christian rinalto
lions messiness
killing mbappy
ney on me horsies

Well, looks like Mrs. Allen had quite the shopping adventure! Let's break it down and see if we can explain it in a fun way.

First, she spends 3/5 of her money at the grocery store. That's like taking a cart full of cashews, oranges, and maybe a couple of dancing pineapples and paying the store with 3 out of every 5 dollar bills she had. So, she still had 2/5 of her money left, right?

Then, she marches over to the petrol station and spends 3/5 of her remaining money there. It's like her car turned into a money-eating monster that had a taste for cash! So, after the petrol station feast, she's left with $8.00. You with me so far?

Now, we know that those $8.00 represent 2/5 of her original money because she spent 3/5 at each place. So, if 2/5 equals $8.00, let's do a little detective work.

If we double that to get 4/5, that would be like her full original amount before any spending happened. And if that equals $16.00, we can now go one step further.

We know that 1/5 of her money is equal to half of $16.00 since we doubled it. Sofia, grab your math cap and help me out. If 1/5 is $8, what would 5/5, or the whole thing, be?

Exactly! It would be $40. So, that's the amount that Mrs. Allen started with. She must have had $40.00 and then she went on her shopping spree with it, leaving her with $8.00.

Voila! Mrs. Allen's mystery solved, and I hope my explanation managed to bring a smile to your face!

To explain this problem, we will break it down step by step.

Let's assume Mrs Allen's original amount of money is represented by "x".

1) Mrs Allen spends 3/5 of her money at the grocery store. This means she has 2/5 of her money left.
Remaining money after grocery shopping = (2/5) * x

2) Next, she spends 3/5 of her remaining money at the petrol station. This means she has 2/5 of (2/5) * x = (4/25) * x left.
Remaining money after petrol station = (4/25) * x

3) Finally, Mrs Allen has $8.00 left. We can create an equation to represent this:
(4/25) * x = $8.00

To find the value of x, we can solve the equation:
(4/25) * x = $8.00
Multiply both sides of the equation by 25/4 to isolate x:
x = ($8.00) * (25/4)

Calculating this, we get:
x = $50.00

Therefore, Mrs Allen originally had $50.00.