I have created and introduction for the quote, "and thus the whirigig of time brings in his revenges." My task after that is to describe how this aplies to sitaution with characters in the novels. Now I am having a hard time getting into the explination of how this has happened to the character. It seems quote awkward if you jump write into it. How can I start writing about a situation with a character, without jumping into it.

First draft, go ahead and jump.

But I really need an effective way or anyways to get from my intro to the situations. I feel there is a huge gap and I can't find a way to fill it.

When transitioning from an introduction to discussing a situation with a character, it's important to establish a smooth and logical flow in your writing. Here are a few strategies you can use to help bridge that gap:

1. Provide context: Start by giving some background information or context about the character or the novel. This can help set the stage for the situation you will be discussing. For example, you could briefly explain the character's role, motivations, or previous events that have led them to this point.

2. Build anticipation: Create suspense or curiosity by foreshadowing the situation you will be describing. You can drop hints or use evocative language to spark interest. This can pique the reader's curiosity and make them want to know more about what happened.

3. Transition sentence: Use a transitional sentence to smoothly bridge your introduction to the situation. This sentence can act as a roadmap to guide the reader from one section to another. It can act as a logical transition, connecting your introductory thoughts to the specific situation you wish to discuss.

4. Pose a question: Start a new paragraph by posing a question related to the situation or character. This can serve as a segue to delve into the details of the situation you want to describe. By asking a question, you can engage the reader and make them curious about the answer, thereby drawing them into the subsequent discussion.

Using these strategies can help make your writing flow smoothly from the introduction to the situation you want to describe. Consider experimenting with different approaches until you find one that feels natural and effective in connecting those two sections of your essay.