The stoneworts are green algae that produce flagellated sperm in complex multicellular antheridia.


I think its true but not sure

To determine whether the statement is true or false, we can break it down and analyze each component:

1. "The stoneworts are green algae": This statement is true. Stoneworts, also known as Charophytes, are a group of green algae that belong to the division Charophyta.

2. "Produce flagellated sperm": This statement is also true. Green algae, including stoneworts, have specialized structures called antheridia where they produce flagellated sperm cells.

3. "In complex multicellular antheridia": This statement is true as well. Stoneworts have complex multicellular antheridia, which are structures within their reproductive organs responsible for producing and releasing the flagellated sperm.

Given that all three components of the statement are accurate, we can conclude that the statement "The stoneworts are green algae that produce flagellated sperm in complex multicellular antheridia" is true.