I need to know if there is a site that lists federal presidential campaign financing laws, legal & illegal. All I can find is sites that have box diagrams. Thanks

To find information about federal presidential campaign financing laws, legal and illegal practices, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching on a search engine like Google. Enter specific keywords related to your query, such as "federal presidential campaign financing laws" or "legal and illegal practices in presidential campaign financing."

2. Look for authoritative sources such as government websites, legal databases, or non-profit organizations that specialize in campaign finance and election laws. These sources are likely to provide accurate and up-to-date information.

3. One significant source of information on federal campaign finance laws is the Federal Election Commission (FEC) website. The FEC is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the financing of federal elections. Visit their website at www.fec.gov.

4. Once on the FEC website, access the "Laws and Regulations" section. This section usually contains a comprehensive overview of federal campaign finance laws and regulations. Here, you can find information on contribution limits, disclosure requirements, and prohibited practices.

5. Additionally, the FEC website may provide downloadable guides or handbooks that explain the regulations in more detail. Look for resources like "A Guide to Federal Campaign Finance Law" or "Campaign Guide for Political Committees."

6. Another reputable source for campaign finance information is the Campaign Legal Center (www.campaignlegalcenter.org). This non-profit organization focuses on promoting transparency and accountability in campaigns and elections. They provide resources and analysis on federal campaign finance laws and regulations.

Remember, legal and illegal campaign financing practices may be subject to change, so it's essential to verify the information from reliable sources and check for most recent updates.