Aaron plans to attend college once he completes this course workbook. The verb in this phrase would be "attend" becuase is the action he is gong to do right??

The actual main verb in here is "plans." The infinitive "to attend" is a verb form, but is not the verb that goes with the subject "Aaron."

There's a second verb in there with its own subject. Can you find it?

Yes, you are correct. The verb in the phrase "Aaron plans to attend college" is "attend." It is the action that Aaron intends to take in the future once he completes the course workbook.

Yes, you're correct! In the phrase "Aaron plans to attend college," the verb is "attend" because it describes the action that Aaron intends to do in the future. To identify the verb in a sentence, you can ask yourself what action is being performed or what is happening in the sentence. In this case, "attend" is the action that Aaron plans to do, so it is the verb.