I'm doing a Medieval ABC book, and I need to draw an illustration for each word.

How can I illustrate "zeal"?

Also I hope I picked the correct school subject..?

passion to be a knight. Show a a kid trying to become a knight. Doing jousting or the archery

To illustrate the word "zeal" in your Medieval ABC book, you can follow these steps:

1. Research: Begin by understanding the concept of zeal in a medieval context. Zeal is often associated with enthusiasm, passion, and fervor for a particular cause or belief.

2. Identify symbolism: Look for symbols and images commonly associated with zeal. In the context of medieval times, symbols like a knight in armor, a flaming torch, or a person praying with intensity can represent the concept of zeal.

3. Sketch your ideas: Start by sketching a few rough ideas to visualize how you want to portray zeal. Experiment with different compositions, angles, and details to bring your vision to life.

4. Add medieval elements: Incorporate elements that reflect the medieval setting of your ABC book. This could include medieval clothing, architecture, or weaponry to enhance the authenticity of the illustration.

5. Add details: Pay attention to the finer details that will make your illustration more engaging. This might include highlighting facial expressions to depict intense emotions or using vibrant colors to convey energy and enthusiasm.

6. Seek inspiration: Look for inspiration in medieval art, manuscripts, or historical books to get a better understanding of the artistic style and techniques used during that period.

Remember, the process of illustrating "zeal" involves creativity and personal interpretation. Trust your instincts and have fun with it!

Regarding your choice of school subject, an ABC book can be a great way to incorporate multiple subjects. If you're focusing on the medieval period, suitable subjects could include history, art, language arts (for writing the text), and potentially even social studies or cultural studies. Feel free to incorporate as many subjects as you see fit to enrich your project and make it more educational and engaging.