"Do the two inequalities have the same solutions? Wriet yes or no.

-5x > 0
x > 0

Solve each inequality and ch eck your solution.

9x > 81

help please?


-5x > 0

-5x/-5 > 0/-5
x < 0 since we are dividing by a negative, the inequality changes
so, no the answer is not the same

9x > 81
x > 81/9
x > 9

first one no:

when dividing by a negative you need to flip the inequality sign
-5x > 0 = x < 0
x<0 doesn't equal x>0

the second
x> 81/9
x> 9

A 3-mi cab ride costs $3.00. A 6-mi cab ride costs $4.80. Find a linear equation that models cost c as a function of distance d.

you should have posted as a new question

Can you help me on this problem as well? (or anyone.)

Solve each inequality and check your solution.

- > -7

To determine if two inequalities have the same solutions, we need to solve both inequalities separately and then compare the solutions.

Inequality 1: -5x > 0
To solve this inequality, we need to isolate the variable x. Since there is a negative coefficient (-5) on the x, we will divide both sides of the inequality by -5. However, when dividing or multiplying both sides of an inequality by a negative number, we need to reverse the inequality sign. So, we have:
x < 0

Inequality 2: x > 0
This inequality is already solved and is straightforward. It states that x must be greater than 0.

Now, let's compare the solutions. Inequality 1 (x < 0) implies that x must be less than 0, while Inequality 2 (x > 0) states that x must be greater than 0. Therefore, the solutions of the two inequalities do not overlap.

Answer: No, the two inequalities do not have the same solutions.

Now, let's move on to solving the next inequality you mentioned: 9x > 81

To solve this inequality, we will isolate the variable x by dividing both sides by 9:
9x > 81
Dividing by 9: x > 9

The solution to the inequality is x > 9.

To check our solution, we can substitute a value greater than 9 into the inequality, such as x = 10:
9(10) > 81
90 > 81 (true)

Since the inequality is true for x = 10, we can conclude that the solution x > 9 is correct.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.