Jesus Christ died to save the world. Are the verbs died and save because it shows the actions that he did or just one of them?

I think it is just died

died is the verb. "to safe the world" is an adverb infinitive phrase modifying died.

In the sentence "Jesus Christ died to save the world," both verbs, "died" and "save," show different actions that Jesus performed. "Died" indicates the action of Jesus' death, while "save" indicates the action of Jesus saving the world.

Both "died" and "save" can be considered as verbs that show the actions Jesus Christ performed, but they represent different aspects of his overall mission.

1. "Died": The verb "died" refers to the act of Jesus Christ physically ceasing to live by willingly offering himself up to crucifixion. His death on the cross is a crucial element of Christian belief and theology, as it is believed to have atoned for the sins of humanity.

2. "Save": The verb "save" indicates the purpose or result of Jesus' death. According to Christian belief, Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was an act of redemption meant to save humanity from sin and eternal separation from God. It is seen as an ultimate act of love and mercy, offering salvation and the promise of eternal life to those who believe in him.

So, while both "died" and "save" are verbs that describe important actions, they serve different roles in the context of Jesus Christ's mission to save the world. Jesus died as the means to accomplish salvation for humanity.