The teacher wants us to write 5 questions using verb tense on the role of education in success of financial planning. I am not sure what she is asking. can any budy help?

Your subject is not college. Your subject is English or verbs.

I think you mean "anybody," right?

You might use a variety of verb tenses. I'll give you some examples with a slightly different topic. Then when you come up with your own sentences regarding "the role of education in success..." you can post them, and someone here will be happy to critique them for you.


Well educated women will usually raise children who do well in school.
(Future tense, active voice: "will raise")

In some countries, the public education system is controlled by the state.
(Present tense, passive voice: "is controlled")

In order to understand the concept of educating the young in a society, he has read The Saber-Tooth Curriculum.
(Present perfect tense, active voice: "has read")

Here are some websites about English verb tenses:

I am taking an english class with the same question right now. I am a bit confues too but I think the question for example means to write:

Education plays a big role in financial success. Then put what type of verb tense is being used and use the same sentence but with different verb tense in each.

Education will play a big role in financial success.

That's how I am taking the assignment. I'm not sure if its right. When I get graded I will post back and let you know if that's what the teacher is asking for.

Of course! I can help you understand what the teacher is asking for. It seems like your teacher wants you to write five questions related to verb tense and the role of education in the success of financial planning. Let me break it down for you:

1. Verb tense: In English grammar, verb tense refers to the time when an action or state of being takes place. For example, the verb tense can be past (e.g., "I studied") or present (e.g., "I study").

2. Role of education: Your teacher wants you to focus on how education plays a part in something. In this case, it's the role of education in the success of financial planning, meaning how education influences or contributes to successful financial planning.

3. Writing questions: Your task is to come up with five questions that combine both verb tense and the role of education in financial planning. These questions should demonstrate an understanding of how verb tense can be used to inquire about education's impact on financial planning success.

Here are some examples to help you get started:

1. How does education positively influence the success of financial planning?
2. Through which educational methods can individuals enhance their financial planning skills?
3. In what ways has education played a role in improving financial planning outcomes?
4. Can you explain how verb tense impacts our understanding of education's influence on financial planning success?
5. What role did education play in the financial planning success of individuals in the past?

Remember, each question should involve verb tense and be focused on the role of education in financial planning success. I hope this clarifies your teacher's assignment and helps you craft your questions!