chomsky theorized that language is

Chomsky's Universal Grammar theory clearly defines language as a skill limited to humans, the sole possessors of the cognitive hardware which makes language possible.

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chomsky theorized that language is

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Chomsky's theory of language, known as transformational-generative grammar or Chomskyan linguistics, proposes that language is an innate human capacity. According to Chomsky, humans are born with a "Universal Grammar" that provides them with the underlying structure and rules of all languages.

To understand Chomsky's theory in more detail, it is helpful to familiarize yourself with the following concepts:

1. Universal Grammar: Chomsky suggests that there is a universal set of grammatical rules and principles that are hard-wired in the human brain. This innate knowledge allows individuals to acquire and produce language.

2. Deep Structure and Surface Structure: Chomsky distinguishes between deep structure and surface structure. Deep structure refers to the underlying meaning or interpretation of a sentence, while surface structure relates to the actual arrangement of words and phrases in a sentence.

3. Transformation: Transformations are operations that convert the deep structure into the surface structure. They involve movements, deletions, or insertions of words, phrases, or grammatical elements.

4. Generative Grammar: Chomsky's theory emphasizes the generative aspect of language. He believes that humans have the ability to create and understand an infinite number of sentences using a finite set of rules.

To explore Chomsky's theory further, you can refer to his influential works such as "Syntactic Structures" (1957) or "Aspects of the Theory of Syntax" (1965). Additionally, studying linguistics or specifically syntax would be beneficial to delve into the technical details of Chomskyan linguistics.