Please help me out with my final grammar

exam, COMM/215
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1. The following word group is a FRAGMENT: That movie, one of my favorites. True

17. The new employees worked long hours, hoping that doing so would advance their careers.

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Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your final grammar exam for COMM/215!

To prepare for your exam, here are some steps you can follow:

1. Review the course material: Go through your class notes, textbooks, and any other resources provided by your instructor. Make sure you understand the key grammar concepts, rules, and terms that have been covered throughout the course.

2. Practice with examples: Look for practice exercises or sample sentences that focus on different grammar topics. This will help you reinforce your understanding and application of the rules. You can find examples in your textbook, online grammar resources, or even create your own sentences to practice with.

3. Seek additional resources: If you find certain grammar concepts challenging, consider looking for supplementary resources. Online grammar websites, tutorials, and videos can provide alternative explanations and examples to help clarify any areas of confusion.

4. Collaborate with peers: Engage in group study sessions or discussions with your classmates. Exchange ideas, explain concepts to each other, and quiz one another. Collaborative learning can help solidify your knowledge and provide a supportive environment to address any questions or uncertainties.

5. Take practice exams or quizzes: Many courses offer practice exams or quizzes before the actual final exam. Take advantage of these opportunities to familiarize yourself with the exam format and assess your preparedness. If practice exercises are not provided, you can create your own mini-quizzes based on the topics covered in each unit.

6. Review and revise: As you continue to study, regularly revisit previously learned topics. This will help reinforce your understanding and address any gaps in your knowledge. Additionally, pay attention to any feedback given on previous assignments or exams to identify areas that require further improvement.

Remember to manage your time effectively, take breaks when needed, and approach your studies with a positive mindset. Good luck with your final grammar exam!