What is the Domain and Range of the Radical Parent function

The domain and range of the radical parent function can be determined by considering the properties of the function itself. The radical parent function, also known as the square root function, is denoted as f(x) = √x.

The domain of the radical parent function refers to all possible values that can be inputted into the function. Since the square root function is defined for any non-negative real number, the domain of f(x) = √x is all real numbers greater than or equal to zero, which can be expressed as [0, +∞).

The range of the radical parent function represents all possible output values that correspond to the inputs in the domain. The square root function always produces a non-negative output, meaning that the range of f(x) = √x is all real numbers greater than or equal to zero, expressed as [0, +∞).

To summarize, the domain and range of the radical parent function f(x) = √x are [0, +∞) for both.