I need help with Part 2

Part 1. Record the following for each of the three experiments:

(a) Mass of the empty calorimeter (g): 11.600 g

(b) Initial temperature in the calorimeter (C): 21.00

(c) Maximum temperature in the calorimeter from the reaction (C): 29.27, 34.78, 40.29

(d) Calculate deltaT as Tmaximum - Tinitial (C): 8.27, 13.78, 19.29

(e) Mass of the calorimeter and its contents after the reaction (g): 61.557g, 61.649g, 61.741g

(f) Calculate the mass of the contents of the calorimeter (g): 49.957g, 50.049g, 50.141g

(g) Calculate the moles of Mg reacted (MW=24.305 g/mole): 3.645, 6.076, 8.506 or the moles can be 0.006, .103, .014

**Part 2**. Calculate the heat released into the solution for the 3 reactions, according to:

q(reaction) = Ccal * Delta T + mass(contents) * Cp (contents) * deltaT

q=4.184 J/(gC) * 50.15g * 8.27C=1735 J

q=4.184 J/((gC) * 50.25g * 13.78 C= 2897 J
q=4.184 J/(gC) * 50.35 g * 19.29 C= 4064 J

Hey amanda what was the correct answer for g

To calculate the heat released into the solution for the 3 reactions, you will need to use the given values for each experiment.

First, let's define the variables:

- Ccal: The heat capacity of the calorimeter (given in Part 1)
- Delta T: The change in temperature during the reaction (given in Part 1)
- mass(contents): The mass of the contents of the calorimeter (given in Part 1)
- Cp (contents): The specific heat capacity of the contents of the calorimeter (assumed to be water, which is 4.184 J/g°C)

Now, let's calculate the heat released for each experiment using the formula:

q(reaction) = Ccal * Delta T + mass(contents) * Cp (contents) * deltaT

For Experiment 1:
Ccal = (given)
Delta T = 8.27°C (given)
mass(contents) = 49.957g (given)
Cp (contents) = 4.184 J/g°C (given)

q(reaction) = Ccal * Delta T + mass(contents) * Cp (contents) * deltaT

Substitute the values into the equation:

q(reaction) = (Ccal) * (Delta T) + (mass(contents)) * (Cp (contents)) * (deltaT)

Calculate the result using the given values.

Repeat the same calculations for Experiments 2 and 3, using the corresponding values for Delta T, mass(contents), and Cp(contents) for each experiment.

If you have the numerical values for Ccal (calorimeter heat capacity) and Cp (specific heat capacity), you can plug in the values and solve for each experiment. Remember to use consistent units (e.g., grams, degrees Celsius, joules, etc.) throughout the calculations.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.