if i weigh 100 lbs on earth and i went to another planet whose gravity is 15 times that of the earth, how much would i weigh


To calculate how much you would weigh on a planet with 15 times the gravity of Earth, we need to multiply your weight on Earth by the gravitational factor of the other planet.

First, let's determine your weight on Earth: 100 lbs.

Next, multiply your weight on Earth by the gravitational factor:
Weight on other planet = Weight on Earth * Gravitational factor.

In this case, the gravitational factor is 15 times that of Earth. Thus:
Weight on other planet = 100 lbs * 15.

Doing the math:
Weight on other planet = 1500 lbs.

Therefore, you would weigh 1500 lbs on a planet with 15 times the gravity of Earth.