84. Examine the following set of coordinates. Does this set come from a function? (3,8), (9,0), (8,6), (6,6), (3,9), (67,9)

No, it is not a function


a function can only have one y for each value of x.

look at (3,8) and (3,9) for x=3, y is 8 or 9, which cant be in a function.

To determine if the set of coordinates represents a function, we can use the definition of a function. A function is a relationship where each input (x-coordinate) is paired with exactly one output (y-coordinate).

To examine the set of coordinates, let's see if there are any duplicate x-coordinates with different y-coordinates. If we find such duplicates, then it is not a function.

(3,8), (9,0), (8,6), (6,6), (3,9), (67,9)

Looking at the x-coordinates, we can see that (3,8) and (3,9) have the same x-coordinate but different y-coordinates. This means that the set of coordinates does not come from a function.

Therefore, the answer is no, this set of coordinates does not come from a function.