If theta= (7/6)*pi, find the equivalent angle measure in degrees.

To find the equivalent angle measure in degrees, you need to multiply the angle measure in radians by the conversion factor 180/π.

Given that theta = (7/6) * π, we can substitute this value into the formula:

θ_degrees = θ_radians * (180/π)

θ_degrees = ((7/6) * π) * (180/π)

The π in the numerator and denominator cancels out, leaving:

θ_degrees = (7/6) * 180

Now, multiply the fraction by 180 to get the angle measure in degrees:

θ_degrees = (7/6) * 180 = (7 * 180) / 6 = 1260 / 6 = 210

Therefore, the equivalent angle measure of θ = (7/6) * π radians in degrees is 210 degrees.