23. The ___ axis represents the independent variable.


21. Name the set(s) of numbers to which 1.68 belongs.
a. rational numbers
b. natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers
c. rational numbers, irrational numbers
d. none of the above

I'm not sure

27. The _____ contains all values of the dependent variable.
a. domain
b. range
c. origin
d. axis


18. Find the domain and range of the relation.


65 42
36 37
29 37
29 17

a. domain: (29, 29, 36)
range: (17,37, 42)
b. domain: (29, 29, 36)
range: (37, 37, 42)
c. domain: (29, 36, 65)
range: (37, 37, 42)
d. domain: (29, 36, 65)
range: (17, 37, 42)


There is no 31

there is 18

23, 27 and 31 are correct.

The answer to 21 is a

Yes, I meant 18.

For question 23, the axis that represents the independent variable is the X-axis.

For question 21, to determine the set(s) of numbers to which 1.68 belongs, we need to understand the different types of numbers.

- Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as a fraction or a ratio of two integers. For example, 5/3 or -2/7.
- Natural numbers are positive integers starting from 1. So, the set of natural numbers is {1, 2, 3, 4, ...}.
- Whole numbers are non-negative integers, including zero. So, the set of whole numbers is {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}.
- Integers are positive and negative whole numbers, including zero. So, the set of integers is {..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}.
- Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be expressed as a fraction or a ratio of two integers. They cannot be written as terminating or repeating decimals. Examples include pi (π) and the square root of 2 (√2).

Since 1.68 can be expressed as a fraction (84/50), it is a rational number. So, the correct answer is (a) rational numbers.

For question 27, the part that contains all values of the dependent variable is called the range. So, the correct answer is (b) range.

For question 18, we are given a relation between the age of a person and the number of books read. To find the domain and range of the relation, we need to list all the unique values for the age and books read.

Domain: The domain represents the set of all possible input values (in this case, the age of a person). Looking at the given data, the unique values for the age are 29, 36, and 65. So, the domain is (29, 36, 65).

Range: The range represents the set of all possible output values (in this case, the number of books read). Looking at the given data, the unique values for the number of books read are 17, 37, and 42. So, the range is (17, 37, 42).

Therefore, the correct answer is (d) domain: (29, 36, 65) and range: (17, 37, 42).