I need examples, how I can do, a lesson plan about regarding diversity that I would like to teach children. I should do a plan one long activity or several shorter ones for single lesson.And be specific about how you will assess what the children are able to do after the lesson, somebody help me. please!!!

Goodness. Lesson plans are written, as are the objectives, procedures, and evaluation are written, for specific age levels. You have to decide that age level (or grade level). What one does in Kinder is vastly different in grade 11.

I have decided preschooler, but I don't know how star it. "regarding diversity"

I need examples

Thank you

Read through several of these search results to get LOTS of ideas:


Creating a lesson plan about diversity for children can be a rewarding educational experience. Here's an example of a lesson plan that includes several shorter activities for a single lesson, aimed at teaching children about diversity:

Objective: The objective of this lesson is to introduce children to the concept of diversity, promote understanding, and encourage acceptance of different cultures, abilities, and backgrounds.

Materials needed:
- Arts and crafts supplies (paper, markers, crayons, glue, scissors)
- Picture books or stories about diversity
- Small objects or toys representing different cultures or abilities (optional)

Activity 1: Introduction (15 minutes)
- Begin by having a general discussion with the children about what diversity means.
- Show them pictures of people from various cultures, backgrounds, and abilities.
- Ask open-ended questions, such as "How are we different from one another?" and "How does diversity make our world interesting?"

Activity 2: Storytime (15 minutes)
- Read a picture book or tell a story that celebrates diversity, such as "The Colors of Us" by Karen Katz or "All Are Welcome" by Alexandra Penfold.
- After reading, have a brief discussion about the story's message and ask the children to share their thoughts and feelings.

Activity 3: Arts and Crafts (20 minutes)
- Provide art supplies and ask the children to create self-portraits that reflect their own unique features and characteristics.
- Encourage them to use different colors, shapes, and materials to represent their individuality.
- As they work, move around the classroom and engage with each child by asking questions about their artwork and their ideas behind it.

Activity 4: Diversity Exploration (20 minutes)
- If available, bring in small objects or toys representing different cultures or abilities.
- Divide the students into small groups and distribute the objects among them.
- Have each group describe and discuss the objects, promoting conversations about different cultures, abilities, and backgrounds.

To assess children's understanding and progress, the following methods can be employed:
- Observation: Observe the children's engagement, participation, and interactions throughout the lesson.
- Discussion: Engage in conversations with individual children or the whole group to encourage them to demonstrate their comprehension of the concepts discussed.
- Artwork evaluation: Assess the children's self-portraits to see if they have incorporated elements of diversity and individuality.
- Group activities: Evaluate the children's ability to engage in dialogue and respect different perspectives during the diversity exploration activity.

Remember, it is crucial to adapt the activities based on the age and developmental level of the children you are teaching.