13. Find the domain of y=2x+1

I'm not sure how to do this, and what the answer is.

27. Which variable is usually associated with the concept of input?

a. x
b. y
c. m
d. b



2. Which of the following pairs of coordinates are on a line with an undefined shape?
a. (2,3) (9,8)
b. (3,1) (4,1)
c. (2,3) (2,10)

2. Undefined shape? That is not a math term, did you mean undefined slope? then c.

27 is A, however, that is very provincial thinking. I would burn a text if it said that. Honestly, I would not use that text in teaching, if it is that basal, it would be of no use later.

1. The domain of x? It is not restricted by that equation.

To find the domain of a function, we need to determine the set of all possible input values for the function. In the case of the given equation y = 2x + 1, the domain refers to the values that x can take on.

Since there are no restrictions or limitations given in the question, we can assume that x can be any real number. Therefore, the domain of the equation y = 2x + 1 is (-∞, +∞), which represents all real numbers.

As for question 27, which variable is usually associated with the concept of input, the correct answer is a. x. In most mathematical equations and functions, the variable x is typically used to represent the input or independent variable, while the variable y is used to represent the output or dependent variable. Other variables like c, m, or b may also be used in specific situations, but x is commonly associated with input.