
5p-5/p times 5p^2/8p-8

are we looking at

(5p-5)/p * 5p^2/(8p-8)

of so, then ...
5(p-1)/p * 5p^2/[8(p-1]
= 25p/8, p ≠ 1

use substitution to solve each system of equations. of the systerm does not have exactly one solution, state wheather it has no solution or infinitely many solutions y=2x=3 y=4x-1

To multiply the given expressions, we need to follow a few steps. Let's break it down.

Step 1: Simplify the expressions
In the numerator, 5p - 5 can be rewritten as 5(p - 1).
In the denominator, 8p - 8 can be rewritten as 8(p - 1).

The expressions, after simplifying, become:

(5(p - 1)/p) * (5p^2/8(p - 1))

Step 2: Cancel out common factors
In this case, we can simplify the expression further by canceling out the common factor (p - 1) between the numerator and denominator.

The expressions become:

5/p * 5p^2/8

Step 3: Multiply the remaining terms
To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators together and the denominators together.

5 * 5p^2 = 25p^2
p * 8 = 8p

So the final expression is:
