Hi, I need to expand the bracket in this equation but am unsure of how too, any help would be appreciated.



F - First. (4y)(4y)=16y^2
O - Outside. (4y)(-3)=-12y
I - Inside. (-3)(4y)=-12y
L - Last. (-3)(-3)=9

= 14y^2 - 24y + 9

Kali surely meant to type

16y^2 - 24y + 9

Sure! To expand the expression (4y-3)^2, you can use the concept of a binomial squared. When you have an expression of the form (a - b)^2, you can expand it using the formula:

(a - b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^2.

In your case, the expression is (4y - 3)^2. Now let's substitute the values of a and b from our expression into the formula:

a = 4y
b = 3

Using the formula, we can expand the expression as follows:

(4y - 3)^2 = (4y)^2 - 2(4y)(3) + (3)^2

Simplifying further:

(4y - 3)^2 = 16y^2 - 24y + 9

Thus, the expanded form of the given expression is 16y^2 - 24y + 9.