what is evaluation by objectives?

Evaluation by objectives (EBO) is a performance management approach that involves setting specific, measurable goals and objectives for individuals or teams and then evaluating their performance based on their ability to achieve those objectives. It is an effective way to align employee performance with organizational goals and improve overall performance.

To understand how EBO works, you can follow these steps:

1. Define objectives: Start by clearly defining the objectives or goals that need to be accomplished. These can be specific tasks, projects, or targets that are aligned with the organization's overall strategy.

2. Set measurable targets: Next, set measurable targets for each objective. These targets should be quantifiable and time-bound, so progress can be easily tracked and evaluated.

3. Communicate expectations: Clearly communicate the objectives, targets, and expectations to employees. This ensures everyone is on the same page and understands what needs to be achieved.

4. Monitor progress: Continuously monitor progress towards the objectives. Regularly check in with employees to track their performance and provide necessary feedback and support.

5. Evaluate results: At the end of a specific time period, evaluate the results against the set objectives and targets. Assess the extent to which the goals were achieved and identify areas for improvement.

6. Provide feedback: Based on the evaluation results, provide feedback to employees. Recognize achievements, address any gaps, and offer suggestions for improvement. This feedback serves as a basis for further development and performance improvement.

By using evaluation by objectives, organizations can promote a culture of accountability, transparency, and continuous improvement. It allows individuals and teams to focus on specific outcomes and provides a structured approach to evaluate and improve performance.