Describe, in detail, the job of the operating system. Include the major jobs and secondary jobs that increase performance. How do utility programs support the OS? In addition, give examples of various operating software, citing advantages and disadvantages of each one.

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The operating system (OS) is a crucial piece of software that manages and coordinates the overall functioning of a computer system. Its primary job is to provide an interface between the user and the computer hardware, enabling efficient utilization of system resources.

Major jobs of an operating system include:

1. Process Management: It ensures that multiple processes can run simultaneously on the system, allocating system resources, scheduling tasks, and managing their execution.

2. Memory Management: The OS is responsible for managing memory allocation, ensuring that each process gets the required memory and avoiding conflicts. It also handles virtual memory, managing the storage of data in RAM and secondary storage devices.

3. File System Management: The OS organizes and controls the storage and retrieval of files by maintaining a file system. It provides features like file creation, deletion, access control, and directory management.

4. Device Management: The OS controls and manages the input/output devices within the system, handling requests from processes to interact with devices such as printers, keyboards, disk drives, and network interfaces.

Secondary jobs of an operating system aim at improving system performance and user experience. These may include:

1. CPU Scheduling: The OS determines the order and priority in which processes are executed to make the best use of the CPU's time and ensure prompt response to user requests.

2. Memory Paging and Swapping: It optimizes memory usage by moving data between RAM and secondary storage when required, reducing memory constraints and improving system performance.

3. Disk Scheduling: The OS optimizes disk performance by determining the order in which disk operations are performed, minimizing seek time and enhancing data access speed.

Utility programs support the operating system by providing additional functionalities and tools to perform specific tasks. They augment the OS capabilities and enhance user productivity. Examples of utility programs include:

1. Antivirus Software: These programs protect against malware, viruses, and other security threats by scanning files and monitoring system activities.

2. Disk Cleanup/Defragmentation Tools: These utilities optimize disk space and performance by removing unnecessary files and organizing fragmented data.

3. Compression/Archiving Tools: These programs compress files to reduce storage space or package multiple files into a single archive for easier management and transportation.

Now, let's discuss a few examples of operating systems and their advantages/disadvantages:

1. Windows OS (e.g., Windows 10):
- Advantages: User-friendly interface, widespread compatibility with software and hardware, extensive software support.
- Disadvantages: Higher vulnerability to malware, occasional stability issues, higher resource requirements.

2. macOS (e.g., macOS Catalina):
- Advantages: Sleek and intuitive interface, strong integration with Apple devices, robust security features.
- Disadvantages: Limited hardware compatibility, higher pricing compared to other OS options.

3. Linux (e.g., Ubuntu, Fedora):
- Advantages: Open-source and free, extensive customization options, high stability and security, excellent for developers.
- Disadvantages: Steeper learning curve, limited commercial software support, occasional driver compatibility issues.

Each operating system has its strengths and weaknesses, so choosing the right one depends on individual needs, preferences, and the specific use case.