1. He lived to be eighty.

2. He lived until he was eighty.
(Does #1 mean #2?)

3. He awoke to find himself famous.
4. He awoke and found himself famous.
(Are both the same?)

5. He grew up to be a famous musician.
6. He grew up and became a famous musician.
(Are both the same?)

essentially yes, 1 & 2 mean the same thing. 3 & 4 also. 5 & 6 also.


In both pairs of sentences, the meaning is similar but there are slight differences in emphasis and word usage.

1. Yes, sentence #1 ("He lived to be eighty") means the same as sentence #2 ("He lived until he was eighty"). Both sentences imply that the person in question lived until the age of eighty, without explicitly mentioning the specific age at which they reached eighty.

3. Yes, sentence #3 ("He awoke to find himself famous") means the same as sentence #4 ("He awoke and found himself famous"). Both sentences convey the idea that the person woke up and discovered that they had become famous. The difference lies in the phrasing: in sentence #3, the word "to" suggests a purpose or result, implying that becoming famous was unexpected or perhaps unintended.

5. Yes, sentence #5 ("He grew up to be a famous musician") means the same as sentence #6 ("He grew up and became a famous musician"). Both sentences convey the idea that a person went through the process of growing up and eventually achieved fame as a musician. The wording in sentence #5 ("to be") suggests a natural progression or outcome, while sentence #6 ("and became") focuses more on the action of becoming famous.